Kamloops Moving Cache

The Kamloops Moving cache is loosely based on several travelling caches still active, but yet grandfathered. Below is the description on a very popular cache in the Lower Mainland.

"The Vancouver Transit is a traveling cache. Once found, the cache finder is requested to pick up the entire cache and re-hide it in a new location, somewhere in the Greater Vancouver area. Vancouver Transit is always either Hidden or in Transit. You are advised to check this page in advance of seeking the cache to confirm it's current status.
As of August 30, this cache is currently - No Longer In Service
Vancouver Transit can be found over and over by the same cachers as it will always be in a new location. The cache is a camo painted 1.5 litre rectangular Lock & Lock container.
Once you find the cache, pick it up and take it with you. Of course, you can leave the cache where you found it if you want, but you will miss the fun of watching Vancouver Transit on the move.
Log the find on this page. We will change status from Hidden to In Transit so that other cachers will know it is on the move and no longer at its posted location.
Re-hide the cache as soon as possible after you find it. Email us the new coordinates, the date re-hiddenand the new difficulty ranking (i.e. 2 / 2).We will update this page with the new location, new hidden date and difficulty rating. The new hidden date will flag the cache as new when searching for local caches.
If necessary, add a log entry to this page and include any comments or hints that may be required for the new location (use a log type of "Post a Note"). Also, please post the new coordinates with your log.
NOTE: When you move and rehide this cache, you are responsible for maintaining it until it is found by a new cacher
You MUST BE PREPARED TO REHIDE the cache within 7 days of finding it. All hiding locations MUST ADHERE to the geocaching.com cache placement requirements. If you have not read and understand the requirements, then DO NO HUNT THIS CACHE.
If this cache gets plundered or stolen, then the last cacher who had possession of the cache (that is, the last hider if it goes missing after it has been hidden, or the last finder if it goes missing after it has been found) MUST REPLACE IT with a new cache, at or near the same location. If you are not prepared to do this, then do not participate in this cache hunt.
The D/T rating of any hide must be no more than a 2 star difficulty or terrain rating.
No cache finder/seeker may log this cache more than once every 24 weeks.
When the move the cache to a new location, it must move a minimum of 2 kilometres. That is the new location and the old location are greater than 2000m apart.
Included in the cache is a roll of florescent pink flagging. When you find the cache, we ask you to tear off a SMALL piece (no more than a few inches) of flagging and tie it to an nearby object (branch, stick, rock, railing, etc), at the location where you found the cache. Cachers that follow you will now know the cache has been picked up and thereby prevent undue thrashing of the surrounding environment. Your cooperation is appreciated. NOTE: The flagging is NOT a trade item.
We request that Vancouver Transit be kept in the Greater Vancouver area. This will allow all the local cachers to find and re-hide the cache. If you have found Vancouver Transit before, you are welcome to search for it again assuming you meet the cache hunting frequency requirement of no more than once in an twenty-four (24) week period. Essentially, if it is in a new location, it is a new cache, and it is considered as a new find for you. Everyone, including the cache owner, may rehunt, find and log this cache multiple times. Should anyone have concerns over this issue, then we suggest you choose another cache to seek other than this one.
The requirements for hunting and logging this cache may change at the discretion of the cache owner at anytime. While we have asked for advice in the new 'rules' for this cache, and have adopted some suggestions, the decision as to how this cache operates is solely ours."
Now the Kamloops Moving Cache is not monitored on Geocaching.com, but rather through our Facebook page at Kamloops Moving Cache by several of the BC Interior Geocachers.

Our rules are similar to the cache above, but yet even more simple

1) Boundary for cache.... 25 kms radius from center of Overlander Bridge ? ( maybe 20 kms ?)
2) No passing back and forth, when you place the moving cache and it gets picked up by another cacher, you cannot be the next to go and get it.
3) The geocacher who retrieves the moving cache can change the container for the next hide, as long as all the swag and log book still fits in the new container. Also, if you change the container, the previous container should go back to the geocacher who had hid it. Cache containers remain the property of those who placed them or hid them.
4) Remember about those cachers who are mobility challenged. So to please hide with good location for all.
5) The person who finds and takes the moving cache must leave 3 small stones in a pile or 3 leaning sticks near or where they found it. This is so other geocachers don't waste there time looking for something that's not there; it's a sign to tell them the moving cache has been found and taken.

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